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Musculoskeletal Anatomy True and False II
How well did you score in the last musculoskeletal anatomy True and False? Are you ready for the medium-level MSK True or False? Let’s...
Rotator Cuff Tear
Our shoulder is not a single joint but multiple joints from different bones around the shoulder. Since the shoulder can only compromise...
Prepatellar Bursitis (Carpenter’s Knee)
Imagine kneeling down and fixing a door hinge and you wake up next morning with a painful, swollen knee that is difficult to move. You...
3 Phases of Muscle Healing
Have you ever wondered what happened to our muscles when we get injured? Let’s learn about muscle healing today! There are generally 3...
Foot Supination and Pronation
Last week, we talked about forearm supination and pronation. In addition, these movements happen to the most distal segment of our lower...
Thoracic hyperkyphosis
Have you ever been told that you are standing improperly, and see that there is a hump forming at the upper back or neck? This may be...
MSK True or False
Let’s play musculoskeletal anatomy True or False today!! True or False: 1. An adult human has fewer bones than an infant. 2. A...
Forearm Supination and Pronation
Our forearms do amazing jobs for a variety of functional motions. Our palms can face up or down to work on different objects, like...
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
One of the most common knee injuries you may hear about is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury or tear, especially in fast...
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